postscript output

> What is a box plot?  How is that different from y- vs x-axis diagrams?
> Whenever I plot anything with maxima and gnuplot, I get nice x vs y
> graphs that I would expect.  Something like (very crude ASCII graphics
> here)
> y-label
>     2  +          ...............
>        |         .
>        |       .
>     1  +     .
>        |
>        |
>     0  +-----+-----+-----+-----+--
>        0     1     2     3     4

box plot:

   y   2 +--------------------------------+
         |               :                |
       1 +              .                 |
	 |             .                  |
       0 +            .                   |
         |          .                     |
      -1 +     .                          |
         |.                               |
           -5 -4 -3 -2 -1  0  1  2  3  4  5

> Anyway, you can use plot2d_ps for now if you really want postscript
> output.
It seems you can't set any y-Range in this, can you?

> And actually, if you're just plotting functions, using gnuplot is an
> excellent way to do that as well for functions gnuplot knows about.
True, but it uses another different syntax.

