Matlisp numerics in Lisp and Maxima

>>>>> "Nicolas" == Nicolas Neuss <> writes:

    Nicolas> From matlisp/COPYRIGHT:


    Nicolas> As much as I know this is already the BSD without advertisement clause.
    Nicolas> "BSD with advertisement clause" means that wherever the product is
    Nicolas> advertised a reference to the original work has to appear which gets rather
    Nicolas> annoying when more and more people contribute.  That the copyright in

Oh, ok.  I obviously didn't understand what the advertisement clause
really meant.

Well, I guess there's nothing preventing using Matlisp's FFI to LAPACK
in maxima, if someone wants to do it. :-)

Would be a nice contribution.  Might be a pain though.  Would maxima
include a copy of LAPACK?  Matlisp does this, mostly as a convenience
so the user doesn't have to go find a version of LAPACK somewhere.
