batch files ???


I am using maxima for nearly two weeks now, so please excuse, if
this is another FAQ.

I don't understand the part in the documentation about batch
files. What I am actually looking for is this:
1) I type a file, let's call it session.bat containing lines like
   (c1) 5 + 3;
   (c2) c1 - 3;
   (c3) c2*2;
2) Then I load this file into maxima, let's say with a statement
   like this 	# maxima session.bat	and
3) receive an output like this:
   (c1) 5 + 3;
   (d1)		8
   (c2) c1 - 3;
   (d2)		5
   (c3) c2*2;
   (d3)		10
4) now I can continue work with maxima like this:
   (c4) d1*d3;
   (d4)		80
   and so on ...

Can this or something like this be done with maxima?
What syntax do I have to use in the batch file?
How do I load the batch file?

Thanks for your patient answers.


		|   Peter Ulrich Kruppa   |
		|      - Wuppertal -      |
		|         Germany         |