batch files ???

Peter Ulrich Kruppa <> writes:

> a) To save a complete session one should use the statement
>    (C98) save("file_name",all);
>    But reopening maxima and doing
>    (C1) loadfile(file_name);
>    results in:
>    Load failed for file_name
>    -- an error.  Quitting.  To debug this try DEBUGMODE(TRUE);)
>    When I name every single line in save() like
>    (C98) save("file_name", c1, d1, c2,d2, (etc.) );
>    instead, the session will be completely reloaded. But typing
>    this statement would be quite tiresome.

There was a little bit of discussion about this in August (search for
`save all / load' in the subject) but there is still no fix for this.
For the time being, I recommend to work around this bug by adding


to your maxima-init.mac file (DVA is used in one of the TRANSLATEd
files, but its translated macro definition is SAVEd as some would-be
literal object which can't be loaded.  As a user, you will run into
the same bug when trying to TRANSLATE and then SAVE a macro).
