OK, I don't know if this is a bug, expected behavior, or I'm doing
something wrong. Here's what I would like to have happen:
(C1) massunitsfull:[a];
(D1) [a]
(C2) quantitieslist : ["mass","time"];
(D2) [mass, time]
(C3) concat(quantitieslist[1],unitsfull);
(D3) massunitsfull
(C4) concat(quantitieslist[1],unitsfull)[1];
(D4) a
(C5) massunitsfull[1];
(D5) a
But here's what actually happens:
(C1) massunitsfull:[a];
(D1) [a]
(C2) quantitieslist : ["mass","time"];
(D2) [mass, time]
(C3) concat(quantitieslist[1],unitsfull);
(D3) massunitsfull
(C4) concat(quantitieslist[1],unitsfull)[1];
(D4) massunitsfull
(C5) massunitsfull[1];
(D5) a
Undoubtedly I'm doing something wrong - can someone tell me what I
should be doing?
Thanks much,
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