On Thu, 20 Nov 2003 00:14:56 -0500
Raymond Toy <rtoy@earthlink.net> wrote:
> I've played around a bit with quadpack and have a very rough interface
> to quadpack for maxima. Quadpack is an adaptive numerical quadrature
> package.
> Here is an example from one of the quadpack test integrals. It's nice
> that maxima can actually analytically integrate it.
Quite impressive!
> Currently, I just build it as a part of maxima, in the src/numerical
> directory, mostly because that was easy to do. Still needs some work to
> get all of the integrators, but that's straight-forward.
> Any interest in this package? Should it be distributed separately from
> maxima? A part of maxima? If a part, where?
I'd say this is worth including, IMHO. I'd say the best place is either right where it is, or maybe in share if it has external requirements we can't easily include with Maxima.
Is the relevant file the one here?
Does fortran 90 cause problems? (I don't think a free F90 compiler exists for Linux?)
Very nice work!