Command-line argument code redone in lisp

On Fri, 2003-11-21 at 03:28, Valery Pipin wrote:
> On Thursday 20 November 2003 23:24, James Amundson wrote:
> <..>
> >Please let me know if you see bugs in the new code.
> >
> >--Jim
> The current cvs maxima can not be loaded into texmacs. 

Crud. I'll fire up texmacs and try to fix the problem.

> Just yesterday it works 
> fine. Is there  an easy way to reverse the cvs changes locally? 

cvs update -D yesterday

Here is "-D" entry from the cvs man page:

-D date_spec 

    Use the most recent revision no later than date_spec (a single
    argument, date description specifying a date in the past).  A wide
    variety of date formats are supported, in particular ISO
    ("1972-09-24 20:05") or Internet ("24 Sep 1972 20:05").  The
    date_spec is interpreted as being in the local timezone, unless a
    specific timezone is specified.  The specification is ``sticky''
    when you use it to make a private copy of a source file; that is,
    when you get a working file using -D, cvs records the date you
    specified, so that further updates in the same directory will use
    the same date (unless you explicitly override it; see the
    description of the update command).  -D is available with the
    checkout, diff, history, export, rdiff, rtag, and update commands.
    Examples of valid date specifications include:
                        1 month ago
                        2 hours ago
                        400000 seconds ago
                        last year
                        last Monday
                        a fortnight ago
                        3/31/92 10:00:07 PST
                        January 23, 1987 10:05pm
                        22:00 GMT
