re octave

----- Original Message -----
From: "Miquel Cabanas" <Miquel.Cabanas at uab>
To: "Joshua Scholar" <>
Cc: <>
Sent: Friday, November 21, 2003 2:07 AM
Subject: Re: [Maxima] re octave
> 1. It seems to me that yours is an unfair statement. Octave is
> perfectly running in many windows/cygwin and non-windows/cygwin
> computers. Sorry to hear that yours is not among them.

Perhaps I should have included the post I was responding to.  Someone
suggested merging Maxima with Octave and I was pointing that this might
cause problems.

Maxima currently uses GCL running under msys/mingw which seems a bit of a
less intrusive environment than cygwin.  Has Octave ever been build without

> 2. If you had problems, why not ask for help at the Octave mail
> list? So far you posted two short messages late September that
> were promptly replied by John W. Eaton (Octave author), who pointed
> you to an earlier message (june 2003) with detailed instructions
> about installing Octave on Windows machines. Then, you vanished for
> good as if your problems were solved, just to reappear in Maxima
> mail list complaining about your Octave experience... If your
> problem persisted why didn't you contact again the Octave mail
> list?

I haven't taken the two? three? days it would take to clean up my cygwin
installation and registry and reinstall everything, let alone try to get
some less destructive version of Octave running.  Besides Maxima does what I
need without Octave.

I understand that there is some risk in using non-commercial software and I
accept that risk.  I thought it appropriate inform the Maxima list of
possible risks to adding this particular package on to Maxima.

> Miquel
> --
> Miquel E Cabanas ------------------------------------------------------
> SeRMN, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona (
> ------------------------------------------o-oo--ooo---ooo--oo-o--------