C Y wrote:
>Dr. Fateman, it would be very interesting and possibly useful
>if you were someday able to write up all the little tidbits
>like this about Maxima -
Isn't that what mailing list archives are for :) ?
Do you think this is really that interesting? As pointed out, there are now
better quadrature programs (quanc8? ) in maxima.
More generally, I guess that some of the "information"
about maxima is in the source code as comments, or should be there.
I put quotes around information
because it is kind of like the newspapers in the novel 1984. People
rewrite them.
If you look at some of the comments, you see people, sometimes
correctly, and
sometimes ignorantly, shouting at the previous coders.
I suppose they could do worse. They could just delete previous code and
new (maybe buggy...) code.