Syntax advice for ode solution routines

Dear David,

Naturally, I agree with both of your suggestions below and I will
be very glad to become able to use your routines as soon as they
will have been incorporated into Maxima especially in my courses
in Applied Mathematics including differential equations.

Many sincere thanks for your related efforts! Naturally, they will
enrich Maxima's limited present ode's solution facilities. (There
has been much discussion in the list about ode's last spring, but
without a success as far as I can remember now.)

Best regards from Patras,


> "Billinghurst, David (CALCRTS)"  wrote:

> I have dusted off the some first order ode routines I wrote last year and
> trying to get them into shape for submission.  I am after opinions on a
> of design decisions:
> 1.  The exisiting ode2() routine returns a single solution.  I am
proposing to
> return a list of solutions, similar to solve, as non-linear odes can have
> multiple solutions.
>                                      dy    dy 2
> (contrib_ode(eqn : - y + 1 - (2 - x) -- + (--)  = 0, y, x);
>                                      dx
>                                    2
>               2                   x  - 4 x
> [y = %C x + %C  - 2 %C + 1, y = - --------]
>                                      4
> 2.  Some of the solutions are parametric, and I need to chose the
> parametric variable - the example below uses p.
> I am considering using %t, and hardcoding the choice.  Thoughts?
>                    dy 2   dy
> contrib_ode(eqn : (--)  x -- - y = 0, y, x));
>                    dx     dx
>                        2
>           3 LOG(p  - 1)
>         - -------------
>                 2         3
> [x = %C %E         , y = p  x]