Newbie question: linear regression

Furuya Gosei showed how to get Maxima to solve the linear regression 
Let me add two comments:

1. Getting Maxima to do this calculation requires either luck or
adroitness; the first time I tried, I discovered a bug in simpsum:

(C1) sum(a+x[i],i,1,n),simpsum;
(D1)                                  a n
(C2) sum(1+sqrt(i),i,1,n), simpsum;
(D2)                                   n

Maybe this bug has already been reported and fixed?  (The culprit maybe in 
function sumsum.)

2. As Maxima presents them, the formulae for the slope and the intercept 
poorly suited for numerical evaluation.  (They involve differences of 
that might be close together.) To fix this, you'll need to do some 
tricks that would be far easier to do by hand than by Maxima.  In the end, 

it isn't worth the trouble; there are lots of  software tools (a 
spreadsheet or gnuplot are two that I have used) that will do linear 
regression accurately without the hassle.

Currently, Maxima lacks the tools to build a good linear regression 
to do a decent job, we'd at least need a good numerical LU and SVD 
It seems that there is interest in adding tools for fitting data to 
for now, Maxima isn't up to the task.
