Kamaraju Kusumanchi ?????:
>> Your background lisp is GCL. GCL has readline (command line editing)
>> support. The fact that it doesn't work for you means that either
>> (1) GCL was build without readline. In this case there is nothing
>> you can do but rebuild it with readline - complayn to package
>> mantainner.
>> or
>> (2) readline support is built-in but not activated. There is simple
>> way to check it. Try the following command at Maxima prompt
>> :lisp (si::init-readline)
>> If after this line editing works - you are in luck.
>> If not then unfortunately (1) is the case.
>> Best wishes,
> Ok! the second method did not work. Instead of compiling gcl (i dont
> like compiling the sources, until it is a must...) I installed maxima
> with clisp as background. The bug_report() now gives,
> Maxima version: 5.9.0
> Maxima build date: 21:11 2/9/2003
> host type: i386-redhat-linux-gnu
> lisp-implementation-type: CLISP
> lisp-implementation-version: 2.29 (released 2002-07-25) (built on
> localhost.localdomain [])
> But even now the command line history is not working.
Really very strange. Clisp works with readline fine
in general. So probably your concrete clisp package
is build without readline. Why? I don't know.
> :lisp(si::init-readline) gives
> (C3) :lisp(si::init-readline)
> *** - EVAL: the function SI::INIT-READLINE is undefined
> The following restarts are available:
> R1 = Macsyma top-level
> 1. Break [1]>
> and it stops thereafter. Still the commandline editing is not activated.
> I checked my system and it has readline-4.3-5 already installed.
Ah, this is expected result since (si::init-readline) is prurely
GCL specific. I even don't know how to enable/disable readline
in clisp at run time.
> Incase you do not have my previous email, I am using redhat linux 9.0
> thanks
> raju
The only workaround I can suggest - get some
readline wrapper. I like rlwrap.
Best wishes,
Vadim V. Zhytnikov