eliminate and difference with Mathematica ?

Yes, it looks much better!

But then, how can I restructure it to my needs ? I tried "linsolve( [%, 
Znume*Xn = Zdenom*Yn],[Znume,Zdenom]);" but that wasn't the right way 
how to do it...

I was looking for "collect" if it would be better, but did not succeeded.

Or is there any function to put Xn,Yn on one side and the remainder to 
the second, preferrably collected "z^n" together ?


dan.stanger@ieee.org wrote:

>First, dont call symbols c1 c2 ... cn or d1 d2 ... dn, as it conflicts with
>maxima line variables.
>second execute the following:
>eliminate([Yn = Cx0*I0 + Cx1*I1 + Cx2*I2, I2 = I3 - k1*I2/z, I3 = Xn -
>k0*I1/z, I1 = I2/z + k1*I2, I0 = I1/z + k0*I3],[I0,I1,I2,I3]);
>Then you will be able to cut and paste.
>Vaclav Peroutka wrote:
>>Hello all,
>>I am new here (I just installed Maxima). I want to replace Wolfram
>>Mathematica for simple tasks because of lack of licenses. My usage is
>>mostly in digital filters design, working with equations in Z-domain etc.
>>So I tried to to use following:
>>(C7) eliminate([Yn = C0*I0 + C1*I1 + C2*I2, I2 = I3 - k1*I2/z, I3 = Xn -
>>k0*I1/z, I1 = I2/z + k1*I2, I0 = I1/z + k0*I3],[I0,I1,I2,I3]);
>>First I found that Maxima does not understand simple Y = k X ( or does
>>it ? I need to input Y = k*X). Anyway it prints the results with this
>>fashion(therefore no simple copy/paste possibility).
>>But the main problem is that after "eliminate" it prints a lot of stuff
>>(about 20 lines) which I don't understand how to use it.
>>How can I simply get Mathematica's Yn ( ...) = Xn ( ...) ?