compute absolute value

The absolute value function in Maxima is called "abs".  Like all
mathematical functions in Maxima, it operates both on specific numeric
values and on symbolic expressions.

For example:

    abs(-23) => 23
    abs(5.4e23) => 5.4e23
    abs(-5/3) => 5/3
    abs(x^2) => x^2
       Maxima assumes variables are real, so x^2 is always >= 0)
    abs(atan(x^2)) => atan(x^2)
       atan is an odd function, so since x^2>=0, it can conclude that
    abs(x) => abs(x)
       if not given additional information, Maxima returns the symbolic
       tell Maxima about qq
    abs(qq) => qq
       takes advantage of assumption
    abs(qq-qq^2) => qq^2-qq
       takes advantage of assumption

Of course, Maxima cannot *always* find the simplest form:

    abs(x^2-atan(x)^2) => abs(x^2-atan(x)^2)

Hope this helps.
