use of CL rationals

I haven't read (or re-read) the redoing proposal, but
here are a few facts.
1. you can't overload existing CL programs like + and *.
2. even if you could, do you want (+ 'x 'x)  to build the
   tree  (+ x x)   or do the simplification (* 2 x)?  And
   if you say simplify,  how much?  As you know, there are
   lots of possibilities, like expand, factor, ratsimp ...
3. I think that using 1/2 instead of ((rat simp)  1 2)  does
not require any object oriented stuff.  In fact, you can
insert rational numbers into a maxima system by defining

(defun $makeclrat(num denom)  (/ num denom))

and see what happens. I think things like 1/2+makeclrat(1,2)
don't simplify quite.  

C Y wrote:

>--- Stavros Macrakis <> wrote:
>>Is there a set of patches to the rest of Maxima, or is this a project
>>that will have to be undertaken if we want to use newsimp?  If the
>>latter, I would suggest we do it once, and do it right, so that we
>>can use not just CL rationals, but also CL complexes, IEEE floats,
>>user-defined extension types,  etc., as I suggested in my email of
>>2003-Dec-12 11:41: "clean up and abstract other object types".
>I'd put my vote in for "do it once, do it right."  Please forgive me
>Stavros if you covered this (I lost a few emails) but I have a couple
>"duh" questions - if we are going to do this, are we going to use CLOS
>objects and introduce object oriented programming to Maxima?  Would
>that be the "right" way or overkill?  I've always wondered if
>restructuring some stuff to use CLOS would make sense for
>maintainability concerns, but I don't know how much of a pain it would
>be to impliment/use or whether or not there is come collision between
>CLOS concepts and Maxima's ideas.
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