imaxima problems

On Sun, 28 Dec 2003, Ganesh Swami wrote:

> I'm trying to get imaxima working on EMACS CVS under Linux. I'm sure
> the problem as such is not with imaxima, but the TeX compilation. I
> don't have much experience with (La)TeX, so I would be glad if
> somebody is willing to help me out.

> After starting the imaxima mode, any command I try gives me an
> error. For example:
> -------------->8---------------------
> (C1) integrate(sin(x),x);
> LaTex error in:  -\cos x

> l.1 \documentclass
>                   [11pt,leqno]{article}
> ?
> ! Emergency stop.

> I'm sure my AucTex installation is working fine, because I did one of
> my papers with it. But, I've never used the keywords 'leqno' or
> 'dmath' before.

Do you have


A proper teTeX installation should include these. I had once similar
error messages with imaxima, but the problem was with lacking write
permissions i.e. everything worked, if I used imaxima as root (and it
actually fixed the problem so that the lacking filer were created).

Try also running 'texhash'..

Arho Virkki
Ph.D. student in mathematics