(in-package "MAXIMA") #+franz ($bothcases t) ;; allow alpha and Alpha to be different ;(declare-top ; (special lop rop ccol $gcprint texport $labels $inchar ; vaxima-main-dir ; ) ; (*expr tex-lbp tex-rbp)) ;; top level command the result of tex'ing the expression x. ;; Lots of messing around here to get C-labels verbatim printed ;; and function definitions verbatim "ground" ;(defmspec $tex(l) ;; mexplabel, and optional filename ; (let ((args (cdr l))) ; (apply 'tex1 args))) (defprop %KDELTA "\\delta" texword) (defprop %CURVATURE "\\cal{R}" texword) (defprop %CHR1 "\\Gamma" texword) (defprop %CHR2 "\\Gamma" texword) (defprop %PHI "\\Phi" texword) (defprop $CHR1 "\\Gamma" texword) (defprop $CHR2 "\\Gamma" texword) (defprop $PHI "\\Phi" texword) (defprop %D_T "\\frac{\\partial}{\\partial t}" texword) (defprop %LCH "\\varepsilon" texword)