Re: [clisp-list] cygwin clisip-2.32 and maxima

"Yadin Y. Goldschmidt" <> writes:

> I tried to compile maxima with the new cygwin clisp 2.32 package and it gets
> stuck on the file simp.fas saying the there is no package with the name
> POSIX. When I type clisp --version it does not show the package SYSCALLS.
> How can I compile maxima then?

You can't use the released version 5.9.0 of Maxima with a current
version of CLISP, anyway, since there is at least one critical issue

and several minor annoyances, which have been fixed in CVS Maxima.

Please use either

1) the current CVS development version of Maxima with CLISP 2.31 or

2) the released Maxima 5.9.0 together with CLISP 2.29 (as recommended
   in README.lisps)

In principle, there should be no problem to compile Maxima with the
CLISP base image, at least in case (1).
