Here is a function that uses integer-docode-float to do float to
big float conversion.
(1) The function floattofp prints an warning when converting a float to
a big float; this function doesn't -- should it?
(2) For denormalized inputs, the function floattofp halts -- try
bfloat(2.0d0^-1025). (It seems that gcl 2-5.0 doesn't support
denormalized floats? Under cmucl, bfloat(2.0d0^-1025) gives an
error.) This function should work correctly on denormalized floats.
(3) Incidently, the big float to float conversion function has a bug --
try float(float2bfloat(2.0d0^1023)).
(4) The function bigfloatp converts a big float to a big float with
the current value of fpprec.
(5) I don't know what $float2bfloat does when the input is NaN.
(6) I haven't tested this function for single or long floats. Have we
expunged single floats from Maxima?
;; If the input is a single or double float, convert the input to
;; the nearest big float; otherwise, return the input.
(defun $float2bfloat (x)
(cond ((floatp x)
(multiple-value-bind (fp n s) (integer-decode-float x)
(if (= s -1) (setq fp (- fp)))
(setq s (float-digits x))
`((bigfloat simp ,s) ,fp ,(+ s n)))))
(t x)))
Some simple tests
(C1) load("l:/float2bf.lisp");
(D1) l:/float2bf.lisp
(C2) float2bfloat(0.0d0);
(D2) 0.0B0
(C3) float2bfloat(-0.0d0);
(D3) 0.0B0
(C4) float2bfloat(1.0d0);
(D4) 1.0B0
(C5) float2bfloat(2.0d0^-1023);
(D5) 1.668805393880401B-308
(C6) fpprec : 35;
(D6) 35
(C7) float2bfloat(2.0d0^-1023);
(D7) 1.668805393880401037317674537999303B-308
(C8) float2bfloat(2.0d0^1023);
(D8) 8.9884656743115795386465259539451237B307
(C9) x : float(8/9)$
(C10) float2bfloat(x);
(D10) 8.8888888888888883954564334999304265B-1
(C11) float(%);
(D11) 0.8888888888888888
(C13) build_info();
Maxima version: 5.9.0
Maxima build date: 19:10 2/9/2003
host type: i686-pc-mingw32
lisp-implementation-type: Kyoto Common Lisp
lisp-implementation-version: GCL-2-5.0