Subject: Contributing some first order ode routines
From: Billinghurst, David (CALCRTS)
Date: Sun, 25 Jan 2004 23:34:10 +1100
Over my summer break I have managed to work on my first order ode
routines. I have attached a brief description below. I'd like to
create a share/contrib/diffequations directory and put them there
to mature for a while. Any objections.
========================== contrib_ode.usg ========================
-*- mode: Text; -*-
MAXIMA's ordinary differential equation (ODE) solver ODE2 solves
elementary linear ODEs of first and second order. The function
contrib_ode extends ODE2 with additional methods. The code may be
integrated into MAXIMA at some stage.
The calling convention for contrib_ode is identical to ODE2. It takes
three arguments: an ODE (only the left hand side need be given if the
right hand side is 0), the dependent variable, and the independent
variable. When successful, it returns a list of solutions. Each
solution can be: an explicit solution for the dependent variable; an
implicit solution for the dependent variable; or a parametric solution
in terms of variable %t. %C is used to represent the constant in the
case of first order equations, and %K1 and %K2 the constants for
second order equations. If contrib_ode cannot obtain a solution for
whatever reason, it returns FALSE, after perhaps printing out an error
(C1) eqn:x*'diff(y,x)^2-(1+x*y)*'diff(y,x)+y=0;
dy 2 dy
(D1) x (--) - (x y + 1) -- + y = 0
dx dx
(C2) contrib_ode(eqn,y,x);
(D2) [y = LOG(x) + %C, y = %C %E ]
(C3) method;
Nonlinear odes can have singular solutions without constants of
(C4) eqn:'diff(y,x)^2+x*'diff(y,x)-y=0;
dy 2 dy
(D4) (--) + x -- - y = 0
dx dx
(C5) contrib_ode(eqn,y,x);
2 x
(D5) [y = %C x + %C , y = - --]
(C6) method;
(D6) clairault
The following ode has two parametric solutions in terms of the dummy
variable %t. In this case the parametric solutions can be manipulated
to give explicit solutions.
(C7) eqn:'diff(y,x)=(x+y)^2;
dy 2
(D7) -- = (y + x)
(C8) contrib_ode(eqn,y,x);
(D8) [[x = %C - ATAN(SQRT(%T)), y = - x - SQRT(%T)],
[x = ATAN(SQRT(%T)) + %C, y = SQRT(%T) - x]]
(C9) method;
(D9) lagrange
For first order ODEs contrib_ode calls ode2. It then tries the
following methods: factorization, Clairault, Lagrange, Riccati and Lie
symmetry methods.
For second order ODEs contrib_ode calls ode2. No other methods are
implemented yet.
Extensive debugging traces and messages are displayed if the command
put('contrib_ode,true,'verbose) is executed.
These routines are work in progress. I still need to:
* Extend the FACTOR method ode1_factor to work for multiple roots.
* Extend the FACTOR method ode1_factor to attempt to solve higher
order factors. At present it only attemps to solve linear factors.
* Fix the LAGRANGE routine ode1_lagrange to prefer real roots over
complex roots.
* Add additional methods for Riccati equations.
* Work out how to return partial solutions, such as those obtained for
Riccati equations.
* Add routines for Abel equations.
* Work on the Lie symmetry group routine ode1_lie. There are quite a
few problems with it: some parts are unimplemented; some test cases
seem to run forever; other test cases crash; yet others return very
complex "solutions". I wonder if it really ready for release yet.
* Add more test cases.
The routines have been tested on a few hundred test cases from Murphy,
Kamke and Zwillinger. These are included in the tests subdirectory.
* The Clairault routine ode1_clairault finds all known solutions,
including singular soultions. (This statement is asking for
* The other routines often return a single solution when multiple
solutions exist.
* Some of the "solutions" from ode1_lie are overly complex and
impossible to check.
* There are some crashes.
[1] E Kamke, Differentialgleichungen Losungsmethoden und Losungen, Vol 1,
Geest & Portig, Leipzig, 1961
[2] G M Murphy, Ordinary Differential Equations and Their Solutions,
Van Nostrand, New York, 1960
[3] D Zwillinger, Handbook of Differential Equations, 3rd edition,
Academic Press, 1998