is/equal for lists/matrices -- design note

Robert Dodier said:

> is(equal([1],[[1]]))) => UNKNOWN.
> I would expect that different structures are always not 
> equal, unless they're equivalent (i.e., you could substitute 
> one for the other in any expression and get the same result). 
> So either TRUE or FALSE seems possible here, but not UNKNOWN.

I had written code to assume that objects of differing dimensions were
different (in particular, that non-scalars can never be equal to
scalars), but ran into a whole bunch of inconsistencies in Maxima
semantics.  These are not accidental inconsistencies, they are not bugs;
they are in fact design features to make the use of Maxima more
convenient.  But as is often the case, convenience conflicts with

Clearly is(1=[1]) is false; remember, = performs structural (syntactic)
comparison.  However, it is not at all clear whether is(equal(1,[1])) is
false.  (And whether it is False or True depends not only on various
flag settings, but also the context of use.)  Consider:

Lists, 1xn, and nx1 matrices are coerced into each other in various ways
and with Scalarmatrixp=True (the default), a 1x1 matrix is converted to
a scalar:

   [1,2] . matrix([3],[4])         => 11
   [1,2] . matrix([3,4])           => 11
   matrix([1,2]).matrix([3,4])     => 11
   matrix([1],[2]).matrix([3],[4]) => 11

So perhaps 11 == [11] and [1,2] == matrix([1,2]) == matrix([1],[2]) ?
On the other hand, matrix([11]) by itself does not automatically
simplify to 11 and 11-[11]=>[0], not 0.

Of course, outside the context of vector/matrix operations, lists, 1xn
matrices, and nx1 matrices are completely distinct: after all,
member(a,[a,b]) => true and member(a,matrix([a,b])) => false.

Now consider symbolic expressions.  You might think that a==b must be
false if nonscalar(a) and scalar(b).  But that's not true.  If you
declare(vec,nonscalar), then nonscalar(vec.vec) => True, though in fact
the .-product of two vectors is a scalar (nonscalar is a *syntactic*
check for the presence of nonscalar objects within the expression tree).
So it is wrong to assume that is(equal(vec1.vec2,0)) is false because
nonscalar(vec1.vec2)=True and nonscalar(0)=False.

This is not theoretical.  I think it perfectly reasonable that a user
might check whether q and r are perpendicular by checking
is(equal(q.r,0)), where q and r are sometimes concrete vectors -- in
which case you might well get a valid True or False --, sometimes
symbols (in which case the answer should be Unknown, not False).

There is another simple case that has nothing to do with vector/matrix
semantics.  To do bag comparisons correctly, you need to solve
conjunctions: [x,x] =? [1,2] is equivalent to (x==1 and x==2), which is
clearly false, but Is doesn't know it.  Similarly for [x,1] =? [1,x+1].

Another limitation on the power of is/equal/bag: the compar subsystem is
not currently terribly useful for vectors etc.  For example,
assume(equal(q,[a,b])), is(equal(q,[a,b+1])) => Unknown.

I think there are several possible conclusions for all this:

1) Make Maxima more rigorous.  Distinguish between lists, vectors, and
1xn matrices everywhere.  Distinguish between scalars, 1-vectors, and
1x1 matrices everywhere.  In that case, the correct results for is/equal
are much clearer.  But pragmatism is one of the central characteristics
of Maxima; there are certainly other systems which emphasize rigor, with
its advantages and disadvantages.

2) Decide that is/equal/bag always refers to .-product semantics (not
list semantics and not + or * semantics): if two objects act the same in
the context of a .-product, then they are the same.

  2ay) The result of is/equal depends on the various switches
       controlling vector/matrix operations.  So if Scalarmatrixp
       and Listarith are true, then 1 == [1] == matrix([1]).

  2by) Assume default settings for the various switches.

  2xa) Consider an n-list, an n-row, and an n-column equal (with
       appropriate switches set), even though they don't act
       equally in all contexts.

  2xb) Consider an n-list and an n-row equal, but not an n-column.

3) Decide that is/equal/bag is true iff there is NO context in which the
objects can be distinguished.  This emphasizes the programming-type
aspect of Maxima over the mathematical aspect.  But 'equal' is supposed
to be about mathematical equality.  After all, is/equal considers 1/2,
0.5, and 0.5b0 to be equal, even though 1/2 is an exact number and 0.5
and 0.5b0 are approximate.

  3a) Assume that non-scalar *identifiers* (but not non-scalar
      expressions) are never equal to scalars.

  3b) Do not take into account the nonscalar property of identifiers.

4) Maintain the current behavior, which gives Unknown for all the
difficult cases.

What I had started out trying to program was 2aa, but it was too messy
(because when I started, I was also trying to take into account the
behavior of + and *).  Now that I've written out this design note, it
seems like the two reasonable alternatives are 3a and 2ax (not sure
whether 2aa or 2ab is better).  But I suspect that in actual fact, I
have already spent too much time on this, that no one but Robert will
ever care, and that 4 is just fine....

Robert, what do you think?

What do others think?
