attempting to rebuild Maxima with GCL

Hello Camm,

you wrote:

--- Camm Maguire <> wrote:
> Greetings!  While I'm not precisely sure of the nature of your
> problem, current GCL cvs compiles cuurent maxima CVS (just checked). 
> If you are on Debian, the latest (stable branch) GCL cvs is 2.6.1-22.
> Just install, export GCL_ANSI=t (maxima requires ansi mode), and do
> maxima's ./configure && make.

Thanks for your advice. Indeed, I was able to rebuild the
cvs version of gcl and then the cvs version of Maxima. 
Probably there was some old stuff from a previous failed 
build of Maxima that was getting in the way; yes, I know
"make clean" is supposed to fix that. Oh well!

I found that I needed to do "aclocal; automake --add-missing;
autoconf" before "./configure --enable-gcl" and "make".
I'm not 100% sure that I got that exactly right, but, in any
event, "./configure" failed at the outset.

FWIW I have RedHat 7.1 as opposed to Debian, although maybe
that doesn't make any difference.

Thanks again for your help,
Robert Dodier

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