Checked in patch for derivatives of bessel_k function

I have just checked in a one line patch to bessel.lisp to correct 
the derivatives of bessel_k functions.

--- src/bessel.lisp     4 Aug 2003 17:04:14 -0000       1.24
+++ src/bessel.lisp     28 Jan 2004 23:26:38 -0000
@@ -1113,7 +1113,7 @@
        ((mtimes simp) -1
         ((%derivative simp) ((%bessel_i simp) n x) n 1)))))
      ((mplus simp)
-      ((mtimes) -1 ((%bessel_k) n x))
+      ((mtimes) -1 ((%bessel_k) ((mplus) -1 n) x))
       ((mtimes) -1 n ((mexpt) x -1)
        ((%bessel_k) n x))))

The old behaviour was

(C1) diff(bessel_k(0,x),x);
(D1)                           - BESSEL_K(0, x)
(C2) diff(bessel_k(1,x),x);
                         BESSEL_K(1, x)
(D2)                   - -------------- - BESSEL_K(1, x)

and the new behavior is 

(C1) diff(bessel_k(0,x),x);
(D1)                           - BESSEL_K(1, x)
(C2) diff(bessel_k(1,x),x);
                         BESSEL_K(1, x)
(D2)                   - -------------- - BESSEL_K(0, x)