[Gcl-devel] Re: [Maxima] float to bfloat

>>>>> "Camm" == Camm Maguire <camm@enhanced.com> writes:

    Camm> OK, so maybe the only useful change might be allowing such items to
    Camm> print from this perspective.  BTW, are the following what you would
    Camm> expect?

    Camm> (integer-decode-float (expt 9.9d0 9999))

    Camm> 4503599627370496
    Camm> 972
    Camm> 1

I don't think I would want my Lisp to be able to integer-decode-float
a double-float positive infinity, assuming that that is what (expt
9.9d0 9999) has returned.  

    >> (integer-decode-float (sin (expt 9.9d0 9999)))

    Camm> 6755399441055744
    Camm> 972
    Camm> -1

Hm, sin of double-float positive infinity is negative?  How do you
know?  Or is that really decoding a double-float NaN?

I wouldn't like either of these.

