contour plots and gnuplot

--- Jay Belanger <> wrote:

> It'd be pretty easy to add an option to mgnuplot to allow it to draw
> contour plots.  The problem is that it would be specific to gnuplot,
> but that's better than not having it at all.


> Another nice feature that I think would be nice would be the
> ability to draw over already drawn graphs.  This would be easy to do,
> but again it'd be gnuplot specific.  (Maybe it'd be easy to do in
> general, I don't know.)
> Is there any interest in having gnuplot specific drawing commands?

I would be.  Gnuplot certainly seems to be the most viable mode we have
at the moment for plotting, and probably the methods can be translated
if/when appropriate to other systems as well.  One other question
related to this - mgnuplot's way of "rotating" plots is to replot at
each move tick, which is exceedingly slow.  The unofficial/cvs builds
of gnuplot, at least on Linux, have a native 3D rotation mode that is
much, much smoother.  Is there any way to have mgnuplot check to see
which gnuplot it is using, and take advantage of things like pm3d and
mouse sensitivity if they are present?  Wishlist item, but it would
make gnuplot plotting look so much nicer.


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