Protecting variables

--- Barton Willis <> wrote:
> The members of infolists (values, labels,...) are protected with the
> neverset scheme.  My code allows allows a user to unprotect the
> members of infolists  -- changing these values could make a
> mess. Maybe giving a user this power isn't a good idea?
> The Macsyma folks didn't do it.
> Barton

Hmm.  I'd say the users probably don't need that power.  But, if we
want to leave it in, what about something like a global setting
protect_infolists which by default is true, and as long as it is true
the unprotect command won't touch anything in infolists?  It would at
least prevent accidents.

I'd say anyone who wants to change infolist around should at least have
to make code specifically to do the job, unless someone can think of a
basic case where it would be useful.


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