contour plots and gnuplot

On Sun, 01 Feb 2004 12:27:47 -0600
James Amundson <> wrote:

> On Sun, 2004-02-01 at 04:12, Alberto Gonz=?iso-8859-1?Q?=E1lez?= Palomo
> wrote:
> > 	I'd like to request that those changes are done taking into account
> > the possibility of using some other plotters. I'm working on my own one
> > ("there are others like it, but this one is mine"), which currently reads
> > the maxout.gnuplot files and plots them.
> I'm afraid your request is well outside the scope of my plan. I would
> summarize what I plan to do as follows: Produce a workable plotting
> solution for Maxima right now.

	Yes, I see the point.

> I am not interested in creating a more generalized interface to plotting
> programs at the present time. If someone else is interested in doing
> such a thing, I will not try to stop him/her.
> You
> would be better off writing a little lisp code to get maxima to talk to
> your interface.

	Fine. Is there a central place where I could divert the calling to,
for example, gnuplot?
	What I'd need is the grid already computed, and the options passed
to the plot functions.
	I'd like to be able to divert the openmath path, but I guess it
could be too much entagled.
	Anyway, if someone can point me to the relevant files/functions,
it would be much easier for me to give it a try.

	Alberto González Palomo
	Toledo, España / Saarbrücken, Deutschland