[Gcl-devel] RE: [Maxima] Make or defsystem

--- James Amundson <amundson@users.sourceforge.net> wrote:
> On Mon, 2004-02-02 at 09:07, Camm Maguire wrote:
> > Given this, perhaps the best would be
> > to define in defsystem, and have a lisp export facility to
> makefiles.
> > In today's opensource world, *many* non-experts/developers wind up
> > compiling their own programs.
> Unsurprisingly, I think the solution I implemented in Maxima is the
> best way to go. 

I agree.   Lisp experts have everything as it should be, and the
configure - make - make install routine does what is expected.

> Maxima is defined by defsystem. The make-based build
> simply invokes lisp and tells it to compile the system using 
> defsystem. The only exporting that goes on is the exporting of the 
> source-file dependencies to make. I would be happy to describe the 
> system for anyone interested.

Maybe a flowchart/writeup would be a good start to a developer oriented
documentation?  I'd say, based on my experience, that if any other lisp
programs want to become mainstream your system is the one to use.


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