Maxima and MacOSX

>>>>> Andrea Riciputi <> (AR) wrote:

AR> On 3 Feb 2004, at 15:06, Piet van Oostrum wrote:
>> For me it works without modification after I installed Tcl/Tk.

AR> Not for me. If I try I get the following error:

AR> ibook:~ andrea$ xmaxima
AR> Application initialization failed: no display name and no $DISPLAY
AR> environment variable
AR> Error in startup script: invalid command name "winfo"
AR>      while executing
AR> "winfo screenvisual ."
AR>      (file "/sw/bin/xmaxima" line 1)

AR> Any suggestion?

- you are using the fink port, I use the Darwinports version of maxima.
- Apparently your wish is an X11 version and it can't find the DISPLAY
  environment variable. You could run it from an xterm instead or from
  Terminal where DISPLAY is set to :0.0
  I am using the Aqua version of wish. Contrary what the name suggests (at
  least for non-MacOSX people, the X in xmaxima does not necessarily imply
  X11, although it originally did.

I have also tried to install an openmcl version of maxima, but there
xmaxima does not work. I guess the interprocess communication works
differently, but I haven't investigated.
Piet van Oostrum <>
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