It seems to me that the motivation for using Java was 2-fold.
(1) The programmer knows Java.
(2) The programmer believes that user-interface tools are
uniquely available in Java.
A solution that involves learning Lisp and learning how
to use the user-interface tools in Lisp (including calls
to Java?) would seem to be appropriate. I pointed out
the Jlinker document to show it could be done (has been
done) in one Lisp. There may be others. I found Jacol
on sourceforge, and of course there is Texmacs..
Dan Stanger wrote:
>One of the problems you will have to address is how to get the
>state of maxima from maxima, within java. On MS Windows
>the commercial Macsyma maintains a front end, and a macsyma
>process, which both seem to contain the expressions. So when
>you get a large calculation, both the front end and the back end
>run out of memory. With sockets, you can keep these on different
>machines, so its not so much of a problem.
>If you are going to do parser writing, for maxima in java,
>you may want to check out ANTLR.
>Dan Stanger
>Maxima mailing list