Greetings! This is just a heads up that its looking good for a GCL
stable release by 2/29. If you have any testing you want to do, now
is the time!
At least on Debian GNU/Linux, I can state that no GCL specific
problems are known in building and self-testing any of gcl,acl2,maxima
and axiom on all 11/12 supported platforms. Likewise nqthm-1992 and
pc-nqthm-1992, the latter with an expanded value stack, also pass on
We also have good reports from Windows/mingw, macosx, and freebsd,
though the latter are a bit old now. Additional testing and reports
on these systems are most appreciated. I will also endeavor to run
some tests on solaris.
The latest stable source can be retrieved from cvs via
export CVS_RSH=ssh
cvs -z9 -q co -r Version_2_6_1 -d gcl-2.6.1 gcl
Binaries and source (slightly older) in html form can be found at
The 2.6.2 release will be made to the official site, now restored, at
Take care,
Camm Maguire
"The earth is but one country, and mankind its citizens." -- Baha'u'llah