a problem when using maxima in TeXmacs

On Wednesday 25 February 2004 18:16, xiao_z_g@sohu.com wrote:
|I use maxima in TeXmacs and input a formular like :
|(Log((-1 + Sqrt(s/(-4 + s)))/(1 + Sqrt(s/(-4 + s))))^2)/(1536*Pi^3*(-4 + s))
|, but the output of TeXmacs is not as what I input.
That's strange I can not reproduce it. Anyway, you could assign 
display2d:false and check... To return to texmacs style you have to put 
display2d:texmacs. Yet, this is not mathematica, you should write log, sqrt 
ets for function and %pi, %i etc for  constants.

|Another problem, my xmaxima can not input in the upper window, but can input
| in the lowwer window. Why?
It is possible. You shoud mark the expression for evalution and choose maxima 
(gp is default). It is unsutable, imho.