Possible bug - wrong integral for exp(-k*t)/sqrt(k*t)
Subject: Possible bug - wrong integral for exp(-k*t)/sqrt(k*t)
From: Richard Fateman
Date: Tue, 09 Mar 2004 15:02:27 -0800
Commercial macsyma gets the right answer.
Kevin Ellwood wrote:
> Hi All
> I am not to sure if this is a know issue (or if I did something wrong)
> but I think I found a small bug. I was doing some work with maxima
> (5.9) in which I was checking my own calculations and I discovered
> that it got the wrong answer for:
> (C1) integrate(exp(-k*t)/sqrt(k*t),t);
> (D1) SQRT(%PI) k ERF(SQRT(k t))
> The correct answer is:
> SQRT(%PI) ERF(SQRT(k t)) /k