Maxima Newbie Question: Matrix*Vector multiplication ?


On Wednesday 10 March 2004 18:38, you wrote:
| Dear group,
| I want to multiply a matrix A with a vector b, but I cannot figure out how
| to do that simple operation. (I feel a bit stupid, but I have googled, and
| read the Maxima Book and the help
| files...)
| Example:
| 8<-------------
| load(VECT);
| load(EIGEN);
| A:matrix([a11,a12],[a21,a22]);
| b:COLUMNVECTOR([b1,b2]);
| A . b;
| ----------
| I get:
| "Circular rule attempted - TELLSIMPAFTER"
What version of maxima and lisp do you have? What sytem do you run?
On debian linux and maxima cvs everything works in expecting way
(C9) b:COLUMNVECTOR([b1,b2]);
						      [ B1 ]
(D9) 						      [      ]
						      [ B2 ]
(C10) A . b;
						[ a12 B2 + a11 B1 ]
(D10) 					[ 		          ]
						[ a22 B2 + a21 B1 ]

I don't know how to help you.