Looking for things to do?

On Friday 12 March 2004 13:45, Richard Fateman wrote:
| Valery Pipin wrote:
|snipped >On Thursday 11 March 2004 23:47, Richard Fateman wrote:
| Such routines will be strictly numerical, and cannot take advantage of
| symbolic computation.  The numerical routines can be useful, of course.
| Access to matlab or octave (all of it) can probably be done today, about
| the same way as I did it 20 years ago.  You need 4 programs in maxima.
| (a) matput...   send a matrix to matlab
| (b) matget ..    get a matrix from matlab
| (c) matrun ... send a string of commands to matlab.
| (d) matinitialize .. start up a matlab process.
Is it similar to netmath written by WSchelter? 

| >Another problem is that right now maxima is more similar to imperative
| >language like fortran or pascal. There is no good pattern matching
| > package. So transfering program from mathematica will be not easy.
| The lisp package mockmma has a mathematica-style syntax and a mathematica
| pattern matcher (as of Mathematica 3.0), all written in Common Lisp.
| Free/open source.
Is it possible to write maxima functions prototype to use mockmma inside 
maxima with usual syntax? How difficult it can be? Where can I get  
mockmma.lisp. I tried to find it with google an failed
