Maxima-Gnuplot interface

On Sat, 2004-04-17 at 12:15, Vadim V. Zhytnikov wrote:

> I've tried new gnuplot plotting on both Linux and Windows XP.  Works 
> fine especially in conjunction with gnuplot 4.0.0 released yesterday.

I am particularly pleased to hear that the new interface is working on
windows. The only testing I did there was months ago, when the interface
was still in the concept-only stage.

> I can only confirm two glitches reported by Valery.
> 1) plot2d(cot(x),[x,-2*%pi,2*%pi]);
> produces Zero-Divisor lisp error on GCL (clisp, sbcl and cmucl are OK).

It would be nice if we could understand this problem.

> 2) last example
> plot3d(cos(-x^2+y^3/4),[x,-4,4],[y,-4,4],[gnuplot_preamble,"set view 
> map;unset surface"],[grid,150,150]);
> makes empty box with gnuplot 4.0.0.
> 1) - is not new plotting scheme bug but anyway worth fixing before release.
> 2) - probably not maxima but rather gnuplot bug

As I told Valery, the bug isn't in maxima or gnuplot -- it is in me. I
mis-transcribed the command on the web page. It should have been 

plot3d(cos(-x^2+y^3/4),[x,-4,4],[y,-4,4],[gnuplot_preamble,"set view map\
;unset surface"],[gnuplot_pm3d,true],[grid,150,150]);

The [gnuplot_pm3d,true] option was left out. I have now updated the web
page with the correct command.

Thank you very much for testing the new code.
