Re: [Maxima-commits] CVS: maxima/src plot.lisp,1.35,1.36

Camm Maguire :
> Greetings!  If there is any ansi feature currently implemented in gcl
> 2.7.0 which you would like backported to gcl 2.6.2 before we release
> it, please let me know and I will consider.  In general we are too
> close to release now for such items, but we have still mysterious
> windows problems outstanding, which may delay the release long enough
> for a simple backport to be feasible.

No, I don't think that any backports are required at present.
I hope that ANSI compliance will be the primary goal for
gcl 2.7.X and ultimately 2.8.0 (3.0.0 ?)

> Take care,
> "Vadim V. Zhytnikov" <> writes:
>>Raymond Toy :
>>>>>>>>"Vadim" == Vadim V Zhytnikov <> writes:
>>>    Vadim> -			;; Hmm, gcl 2.5.1 does appear to have
>>>handler-case.  Ick.     Vadim> +			;; GCL 2.6.2
>>>has handler-case but not quite ANSI yet.     Vadim>
>>>(let ((result
>>>    Vadim>  			       #-gcl
>>>    Vadim>  				(handler-case     Vadim>
>>>(catch 'errorsw
>>>    Vadim>  				     ($float ($realpart (meval* ',expr))))
>>>    Vadim>  				 (arithmetic-error () t))
>>>    Vadim> -				#+gcl
>>>    Vadim> -				(catch 'errorsw
>>>    Vadim> +			       #+gcl
>>>    Vadim> +				(conditions::handler-case
>>>Vadim> +				   (catch 'errorsw
>>>    Vadim>  				     ($float ($realpart (meval* ',expr))))
>>>    Vadim> +				 (conditions::internal-error () t))
>>>    Vadim>  				))
>>>Does this mean we no longer support versions of gcl earlier than
>>>2.6.2?  Is that what we want?
>>I suppose so.
>>>FWIW, I still use gcl 2.4.0 on my Solaris box.  Mostly because I
>>>haven't been able to build more recent ones.  I think my Linux box
>>>also uses 2.5.x or so, because I can't build later ones.
>>As far as I remember we decided to use ANSI GCL for Maxima
>>so 2.4.0 is certainly out of date.  I'm not 100% sure about
>>Solaris but I don't expect any troubles with 2.6.2
>>(now still 2.6.1 CVS) on Linux.

      Vadim V. Zhytnikov
