Basic Help / Code generation and CSE

I'm just starting to use Maxima in order to simplify some big equations
and generate optimised code. I'm going to use C++ ultimately but I think
the fortran output converted automatically to C will be suitable.

Anyway, when I OPTIMIZE some code I noticed that it isn't fully
optimized, and I'm having problems generating the code after I optimize.
I'd be grateful if you could answer either of my two questions:

(i) How do you generate fortran from a BLOCK expression?
(ii) Can I encourage maxima to identify more common sub-expressions, or
would Mathematica or something else do a better job?

As a small example, here's one of my matrices unoptimized and converted
to fortran:

      Y(1,1) = p(30,1)**2+p(30,0)**2+(-1.0)/2.0
      Y(1,2) = p(30,0)*p(30,3)+p(30,1)*p(30,2)
      Y(1,3) = p(30,1)*p(30,3)-p(30,0)*p(30,2)
      Y(1,4) = 0
      Y(1,5) = 0
      Y(1,6) = 0
      Y(2,1) = p(30,1)*p(30,2)-p(30,0)*p(30,3)
      Y(2,2) = p(30,2)**2+p(30,0)**2+(-1.0)/2.0
      Y(2,3) = p(30,2)*p(30,3)+p(30,0)*p(30,1)
      Y(2,4) = 0
      Y(2,5) = 0
      Y(2,6) = 0
      Y(3,1) = p(30,1)*p(30,3)+p(30,0)*p(30,2)
      Y(3,2) = p(30,2)*p(30,3)-p(30,0)*p(30,1)
      Y(3,3) = p(30,3)**2+p(30,0)**2+(-1.0)/2.0
      Y(3,4) = 0
      Y(3,5) = 0
      Y(3,6) = 0
      Y(4,1) = 0
      Y(4,2) = -0.06*(p(30,1)*p(30,3)-p(30,0)*p(30,2))
      Y(4,3) = 0.06*(p(30,0)*p(30,3)+p(30,1)*p(30,2))
      Y(4,4) = p(30,1)**2+p(30,0)**2+(-1.0)/2.0
      Y(4,5) = p(30,0)*p(30,3)+p(30,1)*p(30,2)
      Y(4,6) = p(30,1)*p(30,3)-p(30,0)*p(30,2)
      Y(5,1) = 0
      Y(5,2) = -0.06*(p(30,2)*p(30,3)+p(30,0)*p(30,1))
      Y(5,3) = 0.06*(p(30,2)**2+p(30,0)**2+(-1.0)/2.0)
      Y(5,4) = p(30,1)*p(30,2)-p(30,0)*p(30,3)
      Y(5,5) = p(30,2)**2+p(30,0)**2+(-1.0)/2.0
      Y(5,6) = p(30,2)*p(30,3)+p(30,0)*p(30,1)
      Y(6,1) = 0
      Y(6,2) = -0.06*(p(30,3)**2+p(30,0)**2+(-1.0)/2.0)
      Y(6,3) = 0.06*(p(30,2)*p(30,3)-p(30,0)*p(30,1))
      Y(6,4) = p(30,1)*p(30,3)+p(30,0)*p(30,2)
      Y(6,5) = p(30,2)*p(30,3)-p(30,0)*p(30,1)
      Y(6,6) = p(30,3)**2+p(30,0)**2+(-1.0)/2.0

When I optimized this matrix I get some reductions:

BLOCK([%1, %2, %3, %4, %5, %6, %7, %8, %9, %10, %11, %12, %13],
      2     2         1
%1 : p    , %2 : p      + %1 - -, %3 : p      p     ,
      30, 0    30, 1        2  30, 1  30, 2
%4 : p     p    + %3, %5 : p      p    , %6 : %5 - p      p     ,
      30, 0  30, 3        30, 1  30, 3         30, 0  30, 2
          2     1
%7 : %3 - p      p     , %8 : p      + %1 - -, %9 : p    p  ,
    30, 0  30, 3        30, 2     2      30, 2  30, 3
%10 : %9 + p   p     , %11 : %5 + p     p   , %12 : %9 - p      p     ,
     30, 0  30, 1       30, 0  30, 2         30, 0  30, 1
         [ %2   %4      %6      0   0    0  ]
         [       ]
         [ %7   %8     %10      0   0    0  ]
         [       ]
       2     1  [ %11  %12     %13      0   0    0  ]
%13 : p      + %1 - -, [        ])
       30, 3     2  [  0   - 0.06 %6   0.06 %4   %2  %4   %6  ]
         [       ]
         [  0   - 0.06 %10  0.06 %8   %7  %8   %10 ]
         [       ]
         [  0   - 0.06 %13  0.06 %12  %11  %12  %13 ]

Sorry that's a bit of a mess... anyway, there are some common sub
expressions identified.

However, when I try to convert this to fortran using fortran( M ); where
I previously assigned M:optimize(ev(sybolic expression for the matrix));
I get:

(C205) fortran(M);
     1   2:p(30,1)**2+%1+(-1.0)/2.0,%3:p(30,1)*p(30,2),%4:p(30,0)*p(30,3
     2   )+%3,%5:p(30,1)*p(30,3),%6:%5-p(30,0)*p(30,2),%7:%3-p(30,0)*p(3
     3   0,3),%8:p(30,2)**2+%1+(-1.0)/2.0,%9:p(30,2)*p(30,3),%10:%9+p(30
     4   ,0)*p(30,1),%11:%5+p(30,0)*p(30,2),%12:%9-p(30,0)*p(30,1),%13:p
     5   (30,3)**2+%1+(-1.0)/2.0,MATRIX([%2,%4,%6,0,0,0],[%7,%8,%10,0,0,
     6   0],[%11,%12,%13,0,0,0],[0,-0.06*%6,0.06*%4,%2,%4,%6],[0,-0.06*%
     7   10,0.06*%8,%7,%8,%10],[0,-0.06*%13,0.06*%12,%11,%12,%13]))

which isn't fortran!

The other problem is that not all CSEs are identified, e.g., %10:%9 +
p[30,0]*p[30,1] and %12:%9-p[30,0]*p[30,1] both have p[30,0]*p[30,1] as
a common term.

Thanks for any help!

