Subject: MAXIMA, LISP and COMMON-LISP package on GCL
From: Vadim V. Zhytnikov
Date: Fri, 23 Apr 2004 19:31:33 +0300
James Amundson ÐÉÛÅÔ:
> On Thu, 2004-04-22 at 02:29, Vadim V. Zhytnikov wrote:
>>On the other hand ANSI GCL has two LISP and
>>COMMON-LISP packages. The former is legacy CLtL1
>>package and the latter is intended to be ANSI
>>compliant. Thus ANSI features remains unexposed
>>in MAXIMA package. This is the reason why new
>>James' to_lisp() REPL doesn't handle lisp errors
>>properly on GCL (maxima::*debugger-hook* isn't
>>the same symbol as cl::*debugger-hook*).
> Vadim, you must be reading my mind lately. You have fixed and/or
> identified the sources of all the problems I have been most worried
> about. I am very grateful.
>>Ultimately on can get rid of old LISP package by
>>renaming it to LISP-LEGACY and making LISP
>>alias to COMMON-LISP. Unfortunately it can't be done
>>since GCL Maxima makes use of another old style SERROR
>>package which conflicts with COMMON-LISP (conflicts with
>>CONDITIONS which supersedes SERROR in COMMON-LISP).
>>The quick fix to the problem is to import
>>required ANSI symbols from COMMON-LISP explicitly.
> Yes, lets do that.
>>This is not so hard since right now we need just few of
>>them. But it isn't right approach in the long run.
>>IMHO the right way is to remove SERROR entirely
>>but this is not so simple and require thorough
>>testing. I think it can be done later with next
>>Maxima and GCL releases.
> I agree.
> --Jim
What do your have in your "must be done or fixed before release" list?
Maybe I or someone else could help to speed thing up?
I just want to remind about automake 1.8 incompatibility and
default value for cmucl runtime. Unfortunately both items are
beyond my automake/autoconf competence.
Vadim V. Zhytnikov