Valery Pipin <> writes:
> On Friday 16 April 2004 10:06, James Amundson wrote:
> | I am forwarding this on Viktor Toth's behalf. Is anyone *currently*
> | working on the tensor package?
> |
> I'm working with it in everyday work. I consider the cvs version as workable
> (in most cases). I also wrote some extension to manage the Levi-Civita
> symbols and these packages were posted to the list an year ago. I belive
> that cvs version gives correct results on examples given in the manual as
> well. These exaples are reproduced in itensor.dem. I guess Viktor should
> check the cvs firstly.
I have checked in Valery's package now. This is very interesting
stuff and I am sorry that it somehow went unnoticed a year ago.
I'd like to add that de facto Valery has been maintaining
share/tensor, so in my opinion he ought to be offered CVS write