spmod vs subres, ...

I ran the test suite with gcd == spmod, subres and algebraic == false, 

gcd           algebraic        #errors         time (sec) 
------       -------------    ---------    --------------- 
spmod        false                 0            5.933 
spmod        true                  2            6.250 
subres       false                 0            5.900
subres       true                  2            6.217


(1) The two errors reported with algebraic == true are not true  bugs; to 
show equality, we need to use fullratsimp instead of ratsimp 
(or apply ratsimp twice).

(2) The two errors occur for rtest7 #25 and rtest11 #3; these problems are
identical integrate(1/(2 + x^3),x).

(3) I doubt our test suite is a good speed test ---- the 0.3 second extra 
for the algebraic == true cases might be due to printing the errors.

Maxima version:
Maxima build date: 10:9 4/28/2004
host type: i686-pc-mingw32
lisp-implementation-type: Kyoto Common Lisp
lisp-implementation-version: GCL 2.7.0