patches which are *very important*

Hello *,

I've just downloaded Maxima from cvs, and I see that the patch to
macsys.lisp is not yen included. It fixes a trivial typo (*prompt-prefix*
instead of *prompt-suffix*). Without applying this patch, the TeXmacs
interface (and all other interfaces, I think) will be broken, when Maxima
asks questions like
Is x positive or negative?
It is absolutely vital to incorporate this trivial fix.

Also, some of bug fixes (and minor improvements) to mactex.lisp are not
yet incorporated. This patch is larger; it includes recent fixes from
Jesper Harder <> of the problem with
and enhancements from Marek Rychlik <> for
and similar let-rules.

I very much hope that these patches will be incorporated before 5.9.1.

Best wishes,
Andrey Grozin

Attached file: macsys.patch.gz
Attached file: mactex.patch.gz