Subject: MAXIMA, LISP and COMMON-LISP package on GCL
From: Wolfgang Jenkner
Date: Mon, 03 May 2004 18:23:59 +0200
"Vadim V. Zhytnikov" <> writes:
> On the other hand ANSI GCL has two LISP and COMMON-LISP packages.
> The former is legacy CLtL1 package and the latter is intended to be
> ANSI compliant. Thus ANSI features remains unexposed in MAXIMA
> package. This is the reason why new James' to_lisp() REPL doesn't
> handle lisp errors properly on GCL (maxima::*debugger-hook* isn't
> the same symbol as cl::*debugger-hook*).
The patch at
eliminates all references to LISP or USER in Maxima, replacing them by
CL and CL-USER, respectively (except for system-dependent stuff, like
lisp:bye, of course). In particular, it makes MAXIMA inherit from CL,
not from LISP (take a look at the cleaned-up maxima-package.lisp).
Also, all lisps would use the ERRSET from src/generr.lisp, so that
src/kclmac.lisp with the SERROR stuff could be eliminated.
I have not found any problem with the current CVS GCL 2.7.0 ANSI.
Actually, except for a broken xmaxima and untested plotting, I haven't
seen any problem on GCL 2.5.3 ANSI either.
I haven't checked yet the lisp files in share for references to LISP
or USER.