status of gamalg

--- Stavros Macrakis <> wrote:
> Actually, the fact that it is LGPL *is* relevant.  It means that a
> translation of it from Mathematica code into Maxima code is
> explicitly permitted by its license, and that the resulting 
> translation (a "derived work" under copyright law) is also subject 
> to the LGPL.

Oh :-). I stand corrected.
> That said, if FeynCalc (or any other package) were translated
> one-shot into Maxima code, the original and translated versions 
> would not benefit from development work on the other version, 
> which would not be a good thing....

True, but I have no idea how a project of the magnitude of Feyncalc
could be autotranslated into Maxima. My guess is some concepts won't
map in a straightforward manner and will need some thought.  Probably
the best that could be done would be for each version to look at the
other's cvs diffs and from there work out how the changes might be
relevant to the other version.


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