On Mon, 2004-05-03 at 23:26, Richard Fateman wrote:
> I think that if FeynCalc is exactly the specification
> you want, that is useful information: it could be
> possible to replicate it in Maxima. I don't know how
> many people know both Mathematica and Maxima, but
> you are clearly one of them!
Yes, probably one can try. At least FeynCalc is GPL... Though I am not
sure Maxima and Mathematica are close enough to make this simple.
FeynCalc at the moment grew to quite a big package, the base system is
about 1Mb of code.
> (Doesn't Steven Christensen sell a package for this
> purpose, to use with Mathematica? Would it be better
> to use MathTensor as a specification?)
No, MathTensor is a bit different kind of a thing. Generic tensor
package is not really what people need for high energy physics
computation. Partially, it is the same (there are pure group
calculations for internal symmetries, like colour SU(3) group), but
Dirac matrix traces are quite specific. Both in terms of comfortable
notation and developed algorithms, as far as I know.