Plotting is just eating my system... :)

On Tue, May 04, 2004 at 11:17:18AM +0100, Paulo Jorge de Oliveira Cantante de Matos wrote:
> I just maximized maxima window and then I did:
> f(x) := x / (x + 1);
> plot2d(f(x), [x, -10, 10]);
> And the lisp process on which maxima is running is eating my cpu time
> and slowly eating all of my memory. Why is this?

The problem is a division by zero, when x reaches -1.
Try this instead:
  plot2d(f(x), [x, -10, 10], [y, -20, 20]);

I always put limits to the y variable in plot2d to avoid that kind of problem.


(at Univ. of Porto)