Raymond Toy writes:
> First, thanks for looking into these things!
> My own personal feeling is NOT to gratuitously change indentation and
> what not, especially for large functions, no matter how ugly. Why?
> When something breaks and you need to find out why, you can't just do
> a diff between this version and that version, because it will show
> that everything has changed.
OK, I'll remember that.
Is anyone with GCL able to check wether my change swork there. I
haven't installed it (I have only SBCL CMUCL and CLISP) and there's
no problem with them.
If noone else is able to check (or wants to) I'll see to install GCL
and test it myself, but I'd like to avoid that at the moment if I can.
Wherever I lay my .emacs, there's my $HOME.