
Well, since I cannot figure out the problem with GCL for lack of
knowledge of GCL, I decided to leave the eval-when issue aside for the
moment and go for the easier ones. :-) (As far as I can se there are
still a lot of these).

Another try on numth.lisp to get rid of a spurious warning about
ignoring a special var:

--- numth.lisp.old	2004-05-06 13:24:51.000000000 +0200
+++	2004-05-07 13:15:06.000000000 +0200
@@ -9,57 +9,69 @@
 (in-package "MAXIMA")
 ;;;   *****************************************************************
 ;;;   ***** NUMTH ******* VARIOUS NUMBER THEORY FUNCTIONS *************
 ;;;   *****************************************************************
 (macsyma-module numth)
-(declare-top(special primechannel $intfaclim))
+(declare-top (special $intfaclim))
-(load-macsyma-macros rzmac)
+#-(or cl NIL)
+(declare-top (special *primechannel*))
-(comment PRIME number generator)
+(load-macsyma-macros rzmac)
-(defmvar $maxprime 489318.)
+;;; PRIME number generator
-(or (boundp 'primechannel) (setq primechannel nil))
 ;(defun open-primechannel nil
-;      (setq primechannel (open '|mc:maxdmp;ptable >| '(in fixnum))
-;	    $maxprime (f1- (car (syscall 1 'fillen primechannel)))))
+;      (setq *primechannel* (open '|mc:maxdmp;ptable >| '(in fixnum))
+;	    $maxprime (f1- (car (syscall 1 'fillen *primechannel*)))))
 ;(defun open-primechannel nil
-;       (setq primechannel
+;       (setq *primechannel*
 ;	     (open "mc:maxdmp;ptable >" '(:read :fixnum :byte-size 9))))
+;(defun input-word (n)
+;       (funcall *primechannel* ':set-pointer (f* 4 (f1- n)))
+;       (dpb (byte-in *primechannel*) 3311
+;	    (dpb (byte-in *primechannel*) 2211
+;		 (dpb (byte-in *primechannel*) 1111 (byte-in *primechannel*)))))
+#+(or cl NIL)
+(defmfun $prime (i)
+  (declare (ignore i))
+  (MERROR "PRIME doesn't work yet."))
+(defmvar $maxprime 489318.)
+#-(or cl NIL)
+(unless (boundp '*primechannel*)
+  (setq *primechannel* nil))
 #-(or cl NIL)
 (defun prime (n)
        (cond ((or (< n 1) (> n $maxprime))
 	     ((input-word n))))
-(defmacro byte-in (file) `(read-byte ,file))
-(defun input-word (n)
-       (funcall primechannel ':set-pointer (f* 4 (f1- n)))
-       (dpb (byte-in primechannel) 3311
-	    (dpb (byte-in primechannel) 2211
-		 (dpb (byte-in primechannel) 1111 (byte-in primechannel)))))
+#-(or cl NIL)
 (defmfun $prime (n)
-  #+(or cl NIL) (MERROR "PRIME doesn't work yet in NIL.")
-  #-(or cl NIL) (prog2 (open-primechannel)
-	       (if (eq (ml-typep n) 'fixnum)
-		   (or (prime n) (list '($prime) n))
-		   (list '($prime) n))
-	       (close primechannel)))
-(comment Sum of divisors and Totient functions)
+  (prog2 (open-primechannel)
+      (if (eq (ml-typep n) 'fixnum)
+	  (or (prime n) (list '($prime) n))
+	  (list '($prime) n))
+    (close *primechannel*)))
+;;; Sum of divisors and Totient functions
 (DEFMFUN $divsum n
        (or (< n 3)
@@ -104,14 +116,15 @@
 					     (sub1 (cadr factors))))))
 		      ((null factors) total)))))
 	(t (list '($totient) n))))
-(comment JACOBI symbol and Gaussian factoring)
-(declare-top(special *incl modulus $intfaclim))
-(setq *incl (list 2 4))
+;;; JACOBI symbol and Gaussian factoring
+(declare-top (special *incl* modulus $intfaclim))
+(setq *incl* (list 2 4))
-(and (nconc *incl *incl) 'noprint)
+(and (nconc *incl* *incl*) 'noprint)
 (defun rtzerl2 (n)
        (cond ((zerop n) 0)
@@ -123,7 +136,7 @@
 	     ((equal (remainder p 8) 5) (imodp1 2 p))
 	     ((equal (remainder p 24) 17) (imodp1 3 p))	;p=2(mod 3)
 	     (t (do ((i 5 (plus i (car j)))	;p=1(mod 24)
-		     (j *incl (cdr j)))
+		     (j *incl* (cdr j)))
 		    ((equal (jacobi i p) -1) (imodp1 i p))))))
 (defun imodp1 (i modulus)
@@ -176,7 +189,7 @@
-(declare-top(*lexpr $rat))
+(declare-top (*lexpr $rat))
 ;(DEFMFUN $gcfactor (n)
@@ -243,9 +256,9 @@
 ;	      (setq plis (cons p (cons (cadr gl) plis)))
 ;	      (setq gl (cddr gl)) (go loop))
 ;	     ((equal p (car nl))
-;	      (cond ((zerop (remainder (setq tem (plus (times a (car cd))	;gcremainder
+;	      (cond ((zerop (remainder (setq tem (plus (times a (car cd)) ;gcremainder
 ;					     (times b (cadr cd))))
-;				       p))    ;remainder(real((a+bi)cd~),p)   z~ is complex conjugate
+;				       p))    ;remainder(real((a+bi)cd~),p) z~ is complex conjugate
 ;		     (setq e1 (cadr nl)) (setq dc cd))
 ;		    (t (setq e2 (cadr nl))
 ;		       (setq dc (reverse cd))))
@@ -299,80 +312,83 @@
 ;  dif)
 (defun gcfactor (a b &aux tem) 
-       (prog (gl cd dc econt p e1 e2 ans plis nl $intfaclim )
-       (setq e1 0
-	     e2 0
-	     econt 0
-	     gl (gcd a b)
-	     a (quotient a gl)
-	     b (quotient b gl)
-	     nl (cfactorw (plus (times a a) (times b b)))
-	     gl (cfactorw gl))
-       (and (equal 1 (car gl)) (setq gl nil))
-       (and (equal 1 (car nl)) (setq nl nil))
-       (cond ((null gl)
-	      (cond ((null nl) (go ret))
-		    ((setq p (car nl)))))
-	     ((null nl) (setq p (car gl)))
-	     (t (setq p (max (car gl) (car nl)))))
-       (setq cd (psumsq p))
-       (cond ((null cd)
-	      (setq plis (cons p (cons (cadr gl) plis)))
-	      (setq gl (cddr gl)) (go loop))
-	     ((equal p (car nl))
-	      (cond ((zerop (remainder (setq tem (plus (times a (car cd))	;gcremainder
-					     (times b (cadr cd))))
-				       p))    ;remainder(real((a+bi)cd~),p)   z~ is complex conjugate
-		     (setq e1 (cadr nl)) (setq dc cd))
-		    (t (setq e2 (cadr nl))
-		       (setq dc (reverse cd))))
-	      (setq dc (gcexpt dc (cadr nl))	;
-		    dc (gctimes a b (car dc) (minus (cadr dc)))
-		    a (quotient (car dc) p)
-		    b (quotient (cadr dc) p)
-		    nl (cddr nl))))
-       (cond ((equal p (car gl))
-	      (setq econt (plus econt (cadr gl)))
-	      (cond ((equal p 2)
-		     (setq e1 (f+ e1 (f* 2 (cadr gl)))))
-		    (t (setq e1 (f+ e1 (cadr gl))
-			     e2 (f+ e2 (cadr gl)))))
-	      (setq gl (cddr gl))))
-       (and (not (zerop e1))
-	    (setq ans (cons cd (cons e1 ans)))
-	    (setq e1 0))
-       (and (not (zerop e2))
-	    (setq ans (cons (reverse cd) (cons e2 ans)))
-	    (setq e2 0))
-       (go loop) 
-ret    (setq cd (gcexpt (list 0 -1)
-			(remainder econt 4)))
-       (setq a (gctimes a b (car cd) (cadr cd)))
-       ;;a hasn't been divided by p yet..
-       (setq a (mapcar 'signum a)) 
-       #+cl (assert (or (zerop (car a))(zerop (second a))))
-       (cond ((or (equal (car a) -1) (equal (cadr a) -1))
-	      (setq plis (cons -1 (cons 1 plis)))))
-       (cond ((equal (car a) 0)
-	      (setq ans (cons '(0 1) (cons 1 ans)))))
-       (setq ans (nconc plis ans))
-       (return ans)))
+  (prog (gl cd dc econt p e1 e2 ans plis nl $intfaclim )
+     (setq e1 0
+	   e2 0
+	   econt 0
+	   gl (gcd a b)
+	   a (quotient a gl)
+	   b (quotient b gl)
+	   nl (cfactorw (plus (times a a) (times b b)))
+	   gl (cfactorw gl))
+     (and (equal 1 (car gl)) (setq gl nil))
+     (and (equal 1 (car nl)) (setq nl nil))
+     loop
+     (cond ((null gl)
+	    (cond ((null nl) (go ret))
+		  ((setq p (car nl)))))
+	   ((null nl) (setq p (car gl)))
+	   (t (setq p (max (car gl) (car nl)))))
+     (setq cd (psumsq p))
+     (cond ((null cd)
+	    (setq plis (cons p (cons (cadr gl) plis)))
+	    (setq gl (cddr gl)) (go loop))
+	   ((equal p (car nl))
+	    (cond ((zerop (remainder
+			   (setq tem (plus (times a (car cd))	;gcremainder
+					   (times b (cadr cd))))
+			   p)) ;remainder(real((a+bi)cd~),p)
+		               ;z~ is complex conjugate
+		   (setq e1 (cadr nl)) (setq dc cd))
+		  (t (setq e2 (cadr nl))
+		     (setq dc (reverse cd))))
+	    (setq dc (gcexpt dc (cadr nl)) ;
+		  dc (gctimes a b (car dc) (minus (cadr dc)))
+		  a (quotient (car dc) p)
+		  b (quotient (cadr dc) p)
+		  nl (cddr nl))))
+     (cond ((equal p (car gl))
+	    (setq econt (plus econt (cadr gl)))
+	    (cond ((equal p 2)
+		   (setq e1 (f+ e1 (f* 2 (cadr gl)))))
+		  (t (setq e1 (f+ e1 (cadr gl))
+			   e2 (f+ e2 (cadr gl)))))
+	    (setq gl (cddr gl))))
+     (and (not (zerop e1))
+	  (setq ans (cons cd (cons e1 ans)))
+	  (setq e1 0))
+     (and (not (zerop e2))
+	  (setq ans (cons (reverse cd) (cons e2 ans)))
+	  (setq e2 0))
+     (go loop) 
+     ret    (setq cd (gcexpt (list 0 -1)
+			     (remainder econt 4)))
+     (setq a (gctimes a b (car cd) (cadr cd)))
+     ;;a hasn't been divided by p yet..
+     (setq a (mapcar 'signum a)) 
+     #+cl (assert (or (zerop (car a))(zerop (second a))))
+     (cond ((or (equal (car a) -1) (equal (cadr a) -1))
+	    (setq plis (cons -1 (cons 1 plis)))))
+     (cond ((equal (car a) 0)
+	    (setq ans (cons '(0 1) (cons 1 ans)))))
+     (setq ans (nconc plis ans))
+     (return ans)))
 (defun multiply-gcfactors (lis)
   (sloop for (term exp) on (cddr lis) by 'cddr
-	with answ = (cond ((numberp (car lis))(list (pexpt (car lis) (second lis)) 0))
-			  (t(gcexpt (car lis) (second lis))))
-	when (numberp term)
-	do (setq answ (list (times (first answ) term) (times (second answ) term)))
-	(show answ)
-	else
-	do (setq answ (apply 'gctimes (append answ (gcexpt term exp))))
-	finally (return answ)))
+	 with answ = (cond ((numberp (car lis))(list (pexpt (car lis) (second lis)) 0))
+			   (t(gcexpt (car lis) (second lis))))
+	 when (numberp term)
+	 do (setq answ (list (times (first answ) term) (times (second answ) term)))
+	 (show answ)
+	 else
+	 do (setq answ (apply 'gctimes (append answ (gcexpt term exp))))
+	 finally (return answ)))
 (defun gcexpt (a n)
-       (cond ((zerop n) '(1 0))
-	     ((equal n 1) a)
-	     (t (gctime1 a (gcexpt a (f1- n))))))
+  (cond ((zerop n) '(1 0))
+	((equal n 1) a)
+	(t (gctime1 a (gcexpt a (f1- n))))))
-(defun gctime1 (a b) (gctimes (car a) (cadr a) (car b) (cadr b)))
+(defun gctime1 (a b)
+  (gctimes (car a) (cadr a) (car b) (cadr b)))

And still an easy one in transs.lisp:

>     (declare (ignore warnings-p))

There is still a lot wrong with transs.lisp (there is a boutload of
undefined functions in there), but this will take longer to unravel.
At the moment I intend to first go after the easy picks and then delve
deeper intp the matter.

Have a nice weekend,

Wherever I lay my .emacs, there's my $HOME.