inchar, outchar and linechar

James Amundson <> writes:
> Unfortunately, it still gets the wrong answer when I set inchar to
> foo and outchar to foobar. Suggestions welcome.

I suppose, if mexplabel matches inchar, it could check to see if
mexplabel matches outchar, also.  The relevant part of tex1 (in
mactex.lisp) could become

		itsalabel ;; but is it a user-command-label?
                (<= (length (string $inchar)) (length (string mexplabel)))
		(eq (getchars $inchar 2 (1+ (length (string $inchar))))
		    (getchars mexplabel 2 (1+ (length (string $inchar)))))
                ;; Check to make sure it isn't an outchar in disguise
                  (<= (length (string $outchar)) (length (string mexplabel)))
                  (eq (getchars $outchar 2 (1+ (length (string $outchar))))
                      (getchars mexplabel 2 (1+ (length (string $outchar))))))))
	       ;; aha, this is a C-line: do the grinding:
	       (format texport "~%|~a " mexplabel) ;delimit with |marks
	       (mgrind mexp texport) ;write expression as string
	       (format texport ";|~%"))
