It seems to me that a lisp with a good multiprocessing model
should have no problem starting up a gnuplot (new process for
each plot) so that it is fully functional, and also continuing
with maxima. Allegro common lisp has
(run-shell-command command :wait t ...)
RETURNS as a single value the exit status of the spawned
process which executes command
The other arguments have to do with input/output/error streams, mostly.
Vadim V. Zhytnikov wrote:
> New maxima plotting routine on Unix platform calls gnuplot
> with -persist flag. This method has two important consequences.
> First - gnuplot process exits after finishing drawing and control
> returns to maxima. This is good. But there is yet second
> feature. Unfortunately this persistent plot window has some limited
> functionality. In particular it can't rotate 3d plots (it need full
> gnuplot for redraw). And this is pity. On the other hand without
> -persist gnuplot window is fully functional but Maxima have to wait
> until it is explicitly closed by user. It is not possible to have
> both nice features together without making maxima plotting
> routine significantly more complicated. Maybe it is good idea
> to make two gnuplot invoking method
> gnuplot <file> -
> vs
> gnuplot -persist <file>
> selectable via plotting some extra option?